Sunday, September 27, 2009

Almost Famous

Okay, the almost famous doll is really cute, but a little too boho. I really really like it though


ScHoOl TeAcHeR--DoLl
this doll, i actually like more than the cool teacher

<---Cool Teacher

<--School Teacher

Sneak Peak at Hot Buys 09

Okay i was on a person's profile, and i came across a sneak peak at the HB'09 collection! and I was like Ehmigawd! it's sooooo pretty!!! Here it is...

I thought it was amazing...tell me what you think!!<3

Fashion Disasters

Fashion Disasters!

stardoll has made some bad they are

and those are only some!!! [=

NEW LE!!!!
New LE season is out!!! normally i wouldnt be excited cause i cant buy LE but i fell in love with this new collection! gawd if ur superstar, dont have any LE and want some run to the store on 9/27/09 and there is a purple LE dress for 200SD and boots for 175SD, both very expensive but hot..see the pic of me over on the right. those boots and dress are still avabile but hurry, they'll be gone soon! LE will be gone soon!

Stardoll Brand I hate

okay, stardoll has recently made a huge deal about Moxie Girlz. Moxie Girlz are all about being your self..."Be True Be You tm"
I have HATED this brand ever since they came out with it...
okay, the dresses are majorly short, the boots are total convese rip-offs, and they look like sluts, s'cuse my language. but looks like a 4 year old would dress like that. No offense to "Moxie Loverz". I just hate your style. I dont own one Moxie piece...and im pround of LE is a different story

TiNyPiC.cOm MaKeOvErS

ever hear of tiny pic . com?
(no spaces [= )
i do tinypic makeovers on
involves no hacking, just tell me and i'll go to ur page, giveu a makeover put it on tinypic, and send you the link.

i do it for free (:

<---here's an example

it makes it easier if you are ss, but yo
u don't hafta be<3

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Stardoll, Anyone?
hey guys...may or may not have heard of me...Lucky_A_xo...look me up on stardoll..
um well i had another stardoll blog, but i couldnt access this account n e more<3
oh i do tinypic makeovers